Spring Flowers of Scott Starling Sanctuary Flowers, Indianapolis; Kleinhans



Scott Starling Nature Sanctuary

April 6, 2011

The Northwest Indy Hikers/Bikers made their first foray of 2011 into the Starling Nature Sanctuary in Eagle Creek Park, IN; on April 6th.  Our purpose was hiking, trash clean up, and spring flowers.  Linda Gibson did the heavy lifting of identifying most of the flowers; thanks (and she thanks MHM).  Our trash queen, Linda G, and her assistant did the hard work of trash clean up.  I took the close up flower shots and Jeanette Huber added some general scenes including a nice shot of Fishback Creek at sunset which I am using for background here on these web pages.  Her shots can be identified by the JMH in the file name.  Many of the flowers were just beginning to come out.  Click on the images for larger versions. Pictures may be used for non-commercial use; credit appreciated.



Blood Root: 

                link to photo of Blood Root 1    link to photo of Blood Root 2    link to photo of Blood Root 3



Cut-leaved Toothwort:   

                link to photo of Cut-leaved Toothwort 1    link to photo of Cut-leaved Toothwort 2   



Dutchman's Breeches:   

                link to photo of Dutchman Breeches    link to photo of Dutchman Breches 2   



May Apple:      

(Hey, it's only April; no May flowers yet!)

                pic of May Apple   



Purple Cress:   

                pic of Purple Cress 1    pic of Purple Cress 2   



Rue Anemone (or not = False Rue Anemone): 

              I still can't tell the difference.  Supposedly you can tell from the leaves, duh huh??
              Note that Rue Anemone has small leaves immediately below (behind) the flower (see pic in II).  Thus I think we have False R.A. here.

                pic of False Rue Anemone 1    pic of false Rue Anemone 2    pic of false Rue Anemone 3   




                pic of Scilla 1    pic of Scilla 2    pic of Scilla 3
               (Oops, is the last one really Scilla?)


Spring Beauty:   

                pic of Spring Beauty 1    pic of Spring Beauty 2   




(The only one with a blossom this early.)

                pic of Trillium   



Trout Lilly:      

         (My favorite.)

                pic of Trout Lilly 1    pic of Trout Lilly 2    pic of Trout Lilly 3    pic of Trout Lilly 4   



Virginia Bluebells:   

                pic of Virginia Bluebells 1    pic of Virginia Bluebells 2   

pic of Beaver Dam



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